Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts, in my opinion, are one of the most productive tricks when it comes to basic computer usage. Whether it be copying or pasting, undoing a mistake or opening a previously closed browser tab, keyboard shortcuts make those tasks simpler and more efficient. Below is a list of keyboard short that I use the most on a day to day basis as a technician at CCR. My personal favorite is Ctrl-F as it makes finding specific things in a large document very easy.

Short-cut Commands Description
Ctrl-C Copies any highlighted text
Ctrl-X Cuts any text that is highlighted
Ctrl-Z Undo that last action made
Ctrl-A Select all the items in the current window
Ctrl-Shift-T Opens a previously closed tab in most internet browsers
Alt-Tab Switch to another running program (hold down the ALT key and then press the TAB key to view the task-switching window)
Ctrl-F Opens a search window that allows you to search for key words in application or windows

Tech Tip Provided By:

Thomas Gawne
PC Specialist

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