Cybersecurity Threat Intelligence

As most of you know, the world of technology changes very rapidly and cybersecurity has moved to the forefront. This increase in risk may require us to take additional steps to help identify and resolve cybersecurity risks beyond what we cover in our existing managed infrastructure / technology agreements. We have expanded our team and processes to identify potential threats, so we have much better visibility into actions the cybercriminals are taking. This “Threat Intelligence” service is included in your existing agreement at no extra charge. Note that while we are increasing our vigilance, it is critical that you also take an active role in communicating to us any potential cyber risks or incidents that you experience so we can advise on our recommended course of action.

Please note that when we do identify a risk that may apply to your particular technology environment, the effort to investigate and remediate these issues is beyond the scope of our existing agreement and will be billed on a T&M basis. We are happy to help you with additional services such as assessing your current cybersecurity posture, developing an individual cybersecurity strategy, and reviewing cybersecurity insurance applications as additional services available beyond the scope of our existing agreement.

While we engage further to help you identify and reduce cyber related risk, as with anything in the world of cybersecurity, there are no guarantees. We make a best effort to identify risks, review them, and take action as quickly as we can.

Please let us know if you would like your account manager to reach out to you to answer any questions or start a deeper conversation about increasing your cybersecurity defenses.


We look forward to hearing from you.

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