September Tech Tip 2022

Have you ever been in the middle of writing an important document for your boss, only to have the power go out, right before you managed to hit that save button?

We’ve all been there. You were going to get to the end of the page and then hit that save button. But now, it’s too late. You lost that whole page of important text, just from forgetting to hit save. Microsoft must have had some of their employees experience the same thing because now, you can actually turn on a feature called ‘AutoSave’ right at the top of your document.

In fact, in Office 365, this feature is enabled by default, so there may not be anything you need to do to take advantage of this. It works by saving the changes to your document every 10 minutes or so during your editing process.

Did you make a change that you need to undo? Not a problem! Just click on the filename at the top of your document, and then select ‘see all versions.’ This will enable you to cycle back to an earlier version where everything was golden.

Tech Tip provided by: Kevin Peters, Senior Network Engineer

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