Managed IT Services

Strategic IT starts with managed services

A critical element of using IT strategically is making sure it’s running smoothly. After all, when something goes wrong with your IT, everything grinds to a halt. Proactively managing your IT to avoid surprise downtime and make sure you are always up to date with patches and upgrades is step one of a strategic IT plan. Our Managed IT Services is here to help

Fully Automated Real-Time Backup

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Managed services from Centaris provides you with more reliable performance and more predictable expenses. That means you get more value from the technology you've already invested in, while actually reducing the total costs of IT problems and the resulting downtime. Now that's strategic.

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We can assist you with all of your Managed IT solutions including: Fully Managed Server and Desktop Support, Network monitoring, Desktop monitoring, Network Management, Desktop Management, Database monitoring, IT Consulting services, Database Management, E-mail Protection, Managed Firewall, Backup and Recovery.

Ready to start thinking strategically?

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