Tech Tip: Screen Sharing with Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams has provided all of us with an easy way to communicate while we work from home, or from anywhere with an internet connection. Teams is a very robust, and collaborative tool designed to bring together individuals for a chat, or groups and teams for video conferencing, and the list goes on. There is one handy feature I see overlooked and is a great way for users to share and collaborate. And it is so easy to use.

One of the hallmark features of Microsoft Teams is screensharing. To use this feature, just click on the Screen Sharing icon located on the top right side of the menu bar, and then choose which screen to share out:

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Now, everyone in the meeting can see the entire screen. Although this is extremely useful in many situations, there are times where the whole screen may not need to be shared out. For example, I like to have multiple windows open on my screens for fast switching. If I share out my screen, everyone sees all the open windows, and its unnecessary. Instead, using the same Screen Sharing icon, I can just choose which “active” application I would like to share. The term active means the application is open. It can be minimized at the taskbar, fully maximized on the screen, or even hidden behind other windows. As long as the application is active, Teams will be able to offer it as an option for sharing.

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The next time a Power Point presentation is required, try just sharing out your Power Point application, and keep meeting notes up on the same screen. Users will only see the Power Point application, and not the notes. Try sharing a To Do list, or an Outlook email, or about any other application. Sharing an application can make it a little easier even when using multiple monitors. No more trying to determine exactly which screen to share. Just choose the application, and that’s it.

Just another way that Microsoft Teams has provided us with a more effective, efficient way to operate during our day!

Tech Tip Provided By:
Brian Plautz
Systems Network Engineer

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