Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2021

Let’s talk security! October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month! Now entering its 18th year, Cybersecurity Awareness month spotlights the importance of your security both personally and professionally. Now let’s look at some hard-hitting statistics starting with ransomware:

“Ransomware is a real threat to businesses of all sizes. More than 300 million attacks have been documented over the last year. It doesn’t end there. The average ransomware payment in 2021 increased by 83% year over year to $570,000!

Founded by the National Cyber Security Alliance & the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the theme for this year is “Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart.” Each year, 594 million (globally) are impacted by a cybercrime each year. Yes, you read that correctly, 594 million and that number continues to increase yearly.

Next up is Phishing. What exactly is phishing? These are cyber-attacks, mainly through email, when a hacker poses as a reliable source, such as a vendor. Their goal is capture confidential information such as credit card numbers, passwords and to leave a virus on your machine. How common are Phishing attacks?

“Phishing attacks and scams have thrived since the COVID pandemic began in 2020 and today, phishing attacks account for more than 80 percent of reported incidents.”

Can your business defend itself against a cyberattack? Who do you call if you find yourself victim of a Phishing attack? Reach out to Centaris today to ensure your business can fight off cyberhackers.

Verizon Report

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