Tech Tip: Speed up your PC’s boot time by disabling unwanted programs

A lot of the programs that we install on our PC’s are set to automatically run when we start our computer. While this is convenient, not every program we install needs to run immediately. To reduce the amount of time it takes for our PC’s to start, Windows 10 provides a centralized location to review and enable/disable these startup programs.

1. On your desktop navigate to the taskbar at the bottom of your screen, right click, and then select Task Manager.

2. When the Task Manager window appears, navigate to the tab labeled “Startup.”

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3. A list of all the current programs, their publisher, current startup status, and startup impact are displayed. To disable a program from running when you start your PC, simply right click on the program and select disable.

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4. If you decide you would like to re-enable the program to start at launch, simply right click and select enable.


Through this process you can get a good idea of what programs are starting and quickly disable/enable any that may be slowing your boot times. This has no effect on the programs other than their startup properties, you can always manually launch any program you like at any time.

Tech Tip Provided by:

Matt Haas, Project/Network Engineer

Center for Computer Resources

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